Forma Fluens

abstraction, simultaneity and symbolization in drawings.

Forma Fluens


Forma Fluens - DoodleMaps

Explore millions of drawings.

Points in Movement

Forma Fluens - Points in Movement

Observe the human cognitive perception reflected in drawings.

Icono Lap

Forma Fluens - Icono Lap

Generate new icons from the overlap of thousands of drawings.


Points in Movement

200 thousand people draw almost in the same way

Forma Fluens - Panda

Time sequence on how 113,508 people draw a panda.

Forma Fluens - Eye

Time sequence on how 125,795 people draw a human eye.

Forma Fluens - Sun

Time sequence on how 133,676 people draw the sun.

Forma Fluens - Face

Time sequence on how 161,515 people draw a human face.

The language of drawing from 50 million QuickDraw.

Forma Fluens - power outlet from Germany

Power outlet from Germany.

Forma Fluens - power outlet from Japan

Power outlet from Japan.

Forma Fluens - power outlet from Malaysia

Power outlet from Malaysia.

Forma Fluens - power outlet from Sweden

Power outlet from Sweden.

Convergence | Divergence

Forma Fluens - Bottley

Wine Bottle

Forma Fluens - Asparagus


Forma Fluens - Bowtie


Forma Fluens - Envelope


Forma Fluens - Arm


Forma Fluens - Backpack


Forma Fluens - Bee


Forma Fluens - Mosquito



Banana in the world
Forma Fluens - Banana

Banana in Japan
Forma Fluens - Banana in Japan

Bear in Japan
Forma Fluens - Banana in Japan

Bear in Taiwan
Forma Fluens - Banana in Taiwan

Boomerang in Australia
Forma Fluens - Boomerang in Australia

Boomerang in the world
Forma Fluens - Boomerang in the world

Flip flops in Brazil
Forma Fluens - Flip flops in Brazil

Flip flops in the world
Forma Fluens - Flip flops in the world

Ice cream in the world
Forma Fluens - Ice cream in the world

Ice cream in Italy
Forma Fluens - Ice cream in Italy

Ice cream in Hungary
Forma Fluens - Ice cream in Hungary

Ice cream in Sweden
Forma Fluens - Ice cream in Sweden

Teddy-bear in Japan
Forma Fluens - Teddy-bear in Japan

Teddy-bear in Republic of Korea
Forma Fluens - Teddy-bear in Republic of Korea

Traffic light in Japan
Forma Fluens - Traffic light in Japan

Traffic light in Taiwan
Forma Fluens - Traffic light in Taiwan

Traffic in the World
Forma Fluens -Traffic light in the world

Telephone in the World
Forma Fluens - Traffic light in the world

Telephone in India
Forma Fluens - Traffic light in Taiwan

Telephone in Japan
Forma Fluens -Traffic light in Japan

Watermelon in Germany
Forma Fluens - Watermelon in Germany

Watermelon in Ukraine
Forma Fluens - Watermelon in Ukraine

Watermelon in Australia
Forma Fluens - Watermelon in Australia

Snowman in Japan
Forma Fluens - Snowman in Germany

Snowman in Taiwan
Forma Fluens - Snowman in Taiwan

Snowman in the World
Forma Fluens - Snowman in Australia

Fish in India
Forma Fluens - Fish in India

Fish in Japan
Forma Fluens - Fish in Japan

Fish in the world
Forma Fluens - Fish in the world

Sock in Japan
Forma Fluens - Sock in Japan

Sock in Republic of Korea
Forma Fluens - Sock in Republic of Korea

Swan in Japan
Forma Fluens - Swan in Japan

Swan in Republic of Korea
Forma Fluens - Swan in Republic of Koreae

Giraffes in Japan
Forma Fluens - Giraffes in Japan

Giraffes in Republic of Korea
Forma Fluens - Giraffes in Republic of Korea